Infacto Ai Building management Automation System solution is aimed at providing smart automation for the building enabling the monitoring of various sensors of the buildings to make them safer, more secure and to provide both control and monitoring of the electrical assets of the building to improve the building operations, essentially transforming the building into a Smart Building.

Building Management System (BMS) is a solution that provides a single point of control and monitoring for the building.
This access to the sensors and assets of the building is provided through Smart Apps for practically everything in a building or campus – ranging from safety/security sensors to water tank level sensors, STP, energy meters, control of lighting, pumps and more.
Third party equipment utilized in buildings, such as lifts (elevators) can also be integrated into this BMS system allowing it to serve as a single point for all monitoring and control of the building or campus.
Infacto Ai Building Management System also provides additional Facility Management (FM) features such as Preventive Maintenance (PM) Scheduling, Asset Maintenance History, Service & Help desk features, Reservation capabilities and more that collectively enable better management of Assets and Property.
The BMS system therefore enables cost-effective operations of the building by improving the productivity of the facility staff while increasing the responsiveness to the needs of building occupants.

Building Emergency System
Infacto Ai Building Management System (BMS) records every emergency incident received from sensors such as smoke, gas leak and door-intrusion sensors that are installed in the building.
It sends notification on Smart Apps, emails and SMS to all relevant parties. It allows quick review of Camera feeds to ascertain the situation and enables emergency communication to all affected parties to facilitate to get quick reactions & response .
Perimeter Security Services
Building Video Door Phones Services
Surveillance Services
Common Area Landscape Lighting
Infacto Ai In Business Autionmation one if Survices
Building Automation System allows complete control of all facility lighting for common areas, podiums, parking and landscaping. Zone based lighting control and status are offered within the BMS. Profiles and automatic scheduling can also be enabled to offer convenient, and energy efficient operation of lighting.
Energy Management System
Water & STP management System
Elevator Operation System

Building Information Models (BIM)
Infacto Ai Another Business Automation services is too much effective
Building Information Models (BIM) used in construction can be uploaded and integrated into Infacto Ai software for facility management and operations.
The Views of Spaces created in the BIM model can be linked to the spaces with Infacto Ai.
Assets created within BIM can be accessible in the Infacto Ai software to initiate control or monitoring of assets (or sensors).
Infacto Ai permissions capability allow access to specific spaces, controls, sensors or data to users.
Infacto Ai Asset specifications, manuals, maintenance history and live operating parameters can be easily accessed through the Building Information Models interface .
Maintenance Management
Infacto Ai business ABMS offers Smart Apps that can be used by building occupants to generate service requests.
These requests whould be monitored by the facility management personnel for assigning maintenance tasks, scheduling PM’s, managing property & asset data and maintenance history.
- Notice Procession
- Reservation system maintain
- Automation problem ticket generation System
- Auto Repairing Control .

Monitor Smart Energy Meters And backup Power Sources
Infacto Ai can connect to most brands of Smart Energy Meters to provide dynamic monitoring of energy consumed. This data is available for access via BuildTrack Kiosks and Smart Apps.
The same system can also Monitor status of DG sets, fuel tank levels and UPS batteries, along with the hours for which they have operated.