Red Light Violation Detection System
- Video based Red Light Violation Detection System
- Complete evidence capturing mechanism
- Works with non-lane discipline traffic
- Intuitive and user friendly user interface
- Data security to ensure confidentiality and integrity
- 24×7 Day and night operations
- Works seamlessly across all weather conditions
- Review violation and evidence data
- Real time alerts for Red light violation
- Category management: Hot-listed/Stolen/VIP
- Advanced search options
- Customized reports
- User management and admin function
Radar Based Speed Violation Detection System
- Radar based Speed Violation Detection System
- Speed measured by the change in frequency of radio wave
- Generates average speed using two reference points
- Generates hot-listed/stolen & wanted vehicles data
- Differentiates between shadow & vehicles
- Reads up to 320 km/r with high accuracy
- Detects Speed, Range, Direction & angles
- User-friendly User Interface (GUI)
- Detects moving & stopped traffic
- Covers upto 4 Lanes
- IP 67

Speed Violation Detection System
- Video AI-ML based Speed violation detection system
- Speed detection or enforcement camera calculates instant speed by analyzing time
- Speed enforcement camera system is capable of calculating average speed of vehicles between two reference points
- System can generate alert for stolen and hot-listed vehicles
- Reads up to 120km/hr of speed with high accuracy
- Configurable speed limit as per user requirement
- Speed violation detection system reviews violation and evidence data
- Real time alerts for Red light violation
- Category management: Hot-listed/Stolen
- Advanced search options
- Speed enforcement camera system generates customized reports
- User management and admin function
No Helmet Violation Detection System
An automated helmet detection system can distinguish person wearing a helmet from those who don’t. Vehant’s no helmet detection system makes deep learning based automated system for helmet detection using trained models and datasets that would be useful for the public authorities to enforce the law for the betterment of society, as well as others such as construction and hospitality industries to ensure compliance with regulations.

Triple Riding Violation Detection System
Triple riding violation detection system is a video based automated system for two-wheelers. The main objective of this system is to identify that three people are riding the vehicle. It uses automatic number plate recognition cameras to detect the violation. The system is capable of recognizing the license plates in real time when more than two people are riding the vehicle. The in the field ANPR CAMERA of view of the system provide the violator’s license plate number. The main features of this system include
- Works extensively in 24×7 environment.
- Capable of working as independent system.
- The triple riding violation detection system can be integrated with other security modules
Automated Number Plate Recognition System
- Real time number plate detection and translation of license/vehicle registration number
- High through-put at entry point with capability of processing vehicles at speed up to 40 km/hr
- ANPR provides automated 24*7 surveillance
- Auto alerts for notifying Hot-listed vehicles- Stolen, Suspected, Wanted/VIP
- Multi-level, multi-locational and remote monitoring and reporting via ANPR system
- Number plate recognition system ensures data security, confidentiality and integrity
- Category management – Create or upload vehicle details for creating hot-list
- Live preview of Frontal and Driver camera
- Insensitive to environment variability
- High accuracy during night and day
- Multiple camera management through centralized monitoring station
- Driver image capturing module (Optional)
- In built feature of automated ticket generation
- Integration with access control system
Key Recognition Features
- Recognizes license plate numbers of different dimensions, color, contrast, font size and style
- Advanced search options (multiple digit flips)
- Report generation module for custom reports
- Recognizes dirty/damaged license plates
- Double row license plates
- License plates with additional text/special characters around the number
- License plates of buses